About Small Groups

Did you know, for the first 200 years of Christianity, there were no church buildings? In fact, “church” meant gathering in people’s homes to talk about Jesus, and “church” looked remarkably different than what you’d expect to see on a Sunday morning:

It was conversations, not monologues.
It was circles, not rows.
It was personal, not performance.

When you’re a part of a St. Mark Small Group, you’ll drink coffee. You’ll laugh. You’ll care for each other and the community. You’ll apply God’s Word to your daily life. Most importantly, you’ll experience Jesus unlike anywhere else.

“I’m amazed by how easy it was to meet new people in a Small Group and how quickly I connected with them. I love it!”


“Joining a Small Group has been a small step to help me grow in my faith in big ways.”


“After my surgery, I don’t know what I would’ve done without my Small Group stepping up to help me.”


To join a St. Mark Small Group, or to learn more, fill out the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will I do in a Small Group?

    You’ll drink coffee. You’ll laugh. You might serve the community a couple times. Most importantly, you’ll read the Bible and have a conversation with people of different backgrounds about following Jesus in your daily life.

  • What if I don’t know much about the Bible?

    Because our Small Groups are discussion-based and not fill-in-the-blank questions, you can participate in a Small Group regardless of how much you know about the Bible.

  • What will we talk about?

    Using a Discussion Guide written by our pastors, each Small Group will use the previous Sunday’s sermon as the basis for its discussion.

  • How long are groups?

    Each group lasts about 60 to 90 minutes.

  • How long will I be in a group?

    Our groups meet from September to the end of May and shuffle up every year so you get a chance to meet new people.

  • How big are your groups?

    Our Small Groups are about seven to ten people.

  • How do you decide on groups?

    Our groups are approximately age-based, so you can talk about faith at your life stage.

  • How frequently do groups meet?

    Each group sets its own calendar based upon each member’s schedule, but we ask that every group meets at least once a month.

  • Who leads the groups?

    Each of groups are led by “hosts” who simply do that– welcome you into their home and host a conversation about Jesus using the Discussion Guide written by our pastors.

  • What about kids?

    Since our groups are age-based, we ask that parents make other arrangements for their children so the discussion stays focused. Sometimes, groups will pitch-in for a babysitter for all the kids.

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How Can We Help?

Want to learn more about what we have to offer you and your family? Our team is ready to help you get connected and experience Jesus at St. Mark!

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