STEP 1: Worship With Us

The first step to experience Jesus at St. Mark is to join us for weekly worship! We work hard to make sure our services are approachable and relevant, regardless of where you are in your faith journey.

Join us this weekend at one of our three services:

8:00 am (Traditional)
9:30 am
11:00 am

Learn more about Sunday mornings!

STEP 2: Attend a Newcomers’ Lunch

If you’ve joined us for a Sunday worship service, join us at our next Newcomers’ Lunch! While you enjoy a free lunch on us, you’ll get a chance to meet from a few of our ministry leaders, learn about the mission and vision of St. Mark, and ask us any questions you may have.

RSVP for the next Newcomers’ Lunch!

STEP 3: Join a Small Group

Step three to get connected at St. Mark is to check out one of our Small Groups. New friendships, spiritual growth, and a flexible schedule– Small Groups are a great way to experience Jesus at St. Mark.

Learn more about Small Groups!

STEP 4: Get Baptized

Finally, we believe you can touch Jesus and his promises through the waters of baptism.

To learn more about baptism or to request your own baptism, click here!

How Can We Help?

Want to learn more about what we have to offer you and your family? Our team is ready to help you get connected and experience Jesus at St. Mark!

Get In Touch