Bible Verse: Genesis 32

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Pastor Chris Paavola:

In 1856, a 21-year-old young man named Hudson Taylor heard that there were millions of people in China who didn’t know Jesus. And it gripped his heart as he would later write that there were millions in peril and didn’t know it. And so he scraped together everything he could find, all the money he had, and he bought a ticket on a ship to go to China to join just like this upstart missionary group in China. And when he got there, as he traveled, traveled back then in the 1850s was a little different than today. And as he’s on this ship, they encounter a typhoon. And so during the storm, they’re actually in danger of running a drift on an island of known cannibals. And so he prays, God, please rescue us and be faithful to your promises. And God did, God delivered them and they got through the storm and he eventually landed in Shanghai and began to preach up and down the yang Sea River.

But as he went up and down the river, he was mocked and ridiculed, beaten stones, imp prisons robbed and threatened with his life. But he didn’t stop. He just did what came naturally to him. Anytime he encounters problems, he cried out to God to deliver him as he’s promised to do. And the Lord did time and time again and eventually he established 56 different house churches up and down the Y Sea River there. Eventually Hudson had a boating accident and became sick and needed to return to England for some medical attention. So he travels back to England and gets some modern medicine and starts to recover. But the recovery process was long and so not being one to sit still for very long while he was sitting in bed, he decided he was going to just translate the Bible into Chinese. So he did. And then in his spare time, he also wrote a little booklet pleading with people of England to support the work that’s being done in China.

And he raised actually $500,000, remarkable amount of money in that time. And he recruited 24 missionaries to join him on their way back to China to continue the work in China. And so they all got aboard a boat, but when you know it, they ran into a typhoon again or in danger again, and they prayed that God would deliver them and be faithful to his promises. And he did. God delivered them and they got to China. And tragedy struck when he got there in the next few months, he lost one child and then another, and then a third, and then his wife passed away from cholera. It was a dark, dark time. And he wrote a letter back to a friend in England. He was just like, can I continue? I don’t know if I can keep on doing this. And he wrote, all I have is 27 cents and all the promises of God.

So let us remind the Lord of his promises. It was like a watershed moment. I’m here, I’m in. And what followed was a season of fruitfulness in ministry that he attributes to this, I’m not quitting, we’re doing this. And what followed was a season of fruitfulness that we’re still seeing the benefits of today. Here’s some of the numbers. By the time Hudson Taylor got done with his life and his ministry during his 51 years of service, he established 20 mission stations, brought 849 missionaries to the field, trained 700 local workers, raised $4 million in the 18 hundreds and established churches of 125,000 members. It has been said that at least 35,000 were his own converts in that he baptized 50,000 people. At least today, there are 110 million Christians in the underground church in China, and it’s the fastest growing church in the world. Most of these people today, if not all of them, can trace their life back to a man who had a tenacity and resilience to spread the gospel named Hudson Taylor. And I hear that story and I’m inspired by stories like that. I just love when God gets ahold of people, people who are filled with passion and calling. I love stories of sacrifice. I always tear up at stories of sacrifice. I’m watching the Olympics, and when I see the backstories of these athletes, that’s when I cry. Just the dedication and the devotion to something greater than you. That’s awesome.

But Hudson was also a man of prayer. And when I look at his life, I’m inspired by his prayer and in particular the way that he prayed when he encountered problems. He had a distinct way of praying when he encountered problems of reminding the Lord of his promises. But that’s not Hudson’s idea. Hudson didn’t really come up with that. We actually see precedent for that in scripture and we see it in the story that we just read of the story of Jacob. So we are in this series called Greater Than where we’re going through the life of a guy 4,000 years ago named Jacob. And we’re discovering as he does a life greater than we know with a God who’s greater than we know. And like I’ve said this each week, we don’t set the topic, we don’t set the agenda. Whatever happens in the story that ends up being what it is we talk about.

And so today we’re talking about this idea of problems and in particular how we pray when we encounter problems because he has a way of praying and reminding God of his promises. I think when you and I, we pray, we tend to say, especially when we’re in danger or having problems, help me God, please save me. And those are fine prayers. In fact, I think that’s how most of us start praying is foxhole, prayers like that. But today we’re going to see another way to pray about our problems. And I think for some of you today, this is going to be a brand new way to pray. You’ve never prayed like this and it’s going to be transformative to your prayer life. And maybe you’re having problems and you’re praying about something benign as a math test or you’re praying that the doctor’s tests come back benign.

But whatever problems you’re encountering today, we’re going to discover there’s another way to pray about your problems. And we look at the story of Jacob. So a little bit of backstory to refresh your memory or bring you up to speed, Jacob double crossed his brother about 20 years ago and did him wrong. He did ’em wrong. And Jacob’s brother vows that he’s going to take vengeance in the fullest extent of the term. There’s kids in the room, so I’m trying to temper things, but he vows vengeance. And so in fear of his life, Jacob flees north to his uncle Laban hundreds of miles away and lives with his uncle Laban. But things go from bad to worse. The situation devolves very quickly. And so eventually it becomes untenable like he just can’t stay there anymore with Jacob and the Lord tells him to leave. And Jacob glad leaves because he would rather risk his life going back to his brother Esau than spending one more day with Laban.

But as he’s traveling back to his brother, Esau and his father Isaac, as he’s traveling, Jacob takes a look around and realizes what’s at stake. All of a sudden he looks at all of these herds and flocks that are following him, this sheep and these goats that he’s amassed in great wealth. He looks at all of his possessions, he looks at his growing family, all of his servants loaded up on these caravans of camels and he’s like, man, there’s a lot to lose right now. I came here with just a staff, but I’m coming back with a lot and there’s a lot at stake. And he gets nervous, he’s scared this is a problem, and he prays the prayer, God, please help me. But notice the way that he prays. 

9 Then Jacob prayed, “O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, Lord, you who said to me, ‘Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,’ 10 I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps.
Genesis 32

We see it beginning in Genesis 32, verse nine. Jacob prayed, “oh God of my father, Abraham, God of my father, Isaac Lord, who said to me, go back to your country and your relatives and I’ll make you prosper.”

It’s almost, remember guys, this is before we even know what to call God. We have no name for him yet. This is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are just discovering who this God is out in the cosmos. And he’s like, okay, among all the gods, I got to make sure I get the right attention of the right guy, God, of my Father, Abraham, God of my father, Isaac and God who said to me, you, I’m talking to you right now. So he’s addressing him. I’m just glad that we can say the name of Jesus. Now that’s a very long address. It would take a long time to pray if that’s how we had to start every prayer. And then he says, I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown to your servant. He’s talking about himself. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps.

Notice there’s like this gratitude in Jacob that we really haven’t seen up to this point. Up to this point, we haven’t seen any this sense of gratitude. There’s a humility in Jacob that we haven’t seen up to this point, and it makes sense. He’s been humiliated. Now he has humility. And so he has this kind of this appreciation like, God, you’ve been so good to me. And I don’t think he’s buttering him up or throwing a smokescreen out there. I think this is genuine. I think he feels this way. You’ve blessed me. And then he asks for help in the next verse, save me, help me please. “I pray from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me and also the mothers with their children.”

11 Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children. 12 But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’”
Genesis 32

But you have said, remember God, you told me you promised, but you have said to me, I will surely make you prosper and make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted. And there we see it, he does. As Hudson Taylor did when he was in a typhoon or encountering hardships or his family passed away, he reminded God of his promise to him. And there’s where we see a different way to pray about your problems.

I don’t know if you knew this, but there are in the Bible over 8,000 promises that God has spoken in the Bible. That’s a remarkable number. 8,000 times God promises to do something. And for the vast majority of them, we see God’s answer.

We’re still waiting on a couple like his promise to return, but over and over God promise, God promises that he’s going to take care. Was that one of the little toys that we gave out? Did that just go flying across? We have flying toys this morning. Thank you, Ashley. I appreciate it.

There are 8,000 promises in the Bible and God has been faithful to nearly every one of them like to go back. Think about it. He promised this to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and we see the fulfillment of that. He promised the people of Egypt, I will rescue you from the hand of Pharaoh. And then he promised Moses and all of the people of Israel when they’re wandering the desert, I will give you a promised land. And then he promises, I’m going to send my son to save you a deliverer. He will be the promised one. And then Jesus comes and he promises that he is going to die for our sins and he promises he’s going to rise from the grave. He predicts his own death and resurrection. It’s a remarkable thing. And then he promises that he’s going to ascended to his father in heaven and he promises he’s going to give the Holy Spirit and he promises he’s going to come back again.

All of these promises, every one of them, he’s faithful to them. He keeps his word. He doesn’t break his promises. And so when you and I hear this, every one of these promises, you and I can lay hold of them, God has a promise for every problem, whatever it is you’re going through. I don’t care if it’s physical, mental, emotional, relational, whatever problem you are facing. And some of you this morning are really facing some real problems. I know it. I’ve heard from you. Some of you are like, okay, things are kind of good, but you know that the other shoe can drop at any moment, whatever it is you’re going through, God has a promise for your problem. God has a promise for every problem, every one of them. And it’s on us to learn these promises so we can remind him of them.

When my daughter was starting a soccer, it was her first soccer game. I said, after soccer, I promise we can get a What do you think she reminded me of at halftime the Popsicle? What do you think she reminded me of when the game was over the Popsicle? What do you think she reminded me of on the way to the parking lot? And when we got in the car and we were leaving the Popsicle, she’s like, you promised and you and I can be the same way to our heavenly Father. My friends remind him of his promises. So really to lay hold of these promises, to remember them and remind God of his promises, it’s on us to learn them right If we don’t learn them, A couple of things happen. If you don’t learn the promise God is speaking or the promises God has spoken, you run the risk of doubting God or having a false expectation of what God is supposed to do, and then you question him or you doubt his goodness or worse like he’s promised in this world, you’ll have trouble.

It’s a promise we don’t like it, but it’s a promise. He’s promised that you will be hated on accounts of him. He’s promised that his power is made perfect when you are weak, these are promises and these are promises that you can lay hold of just like the promises that he’ll be with you, that he’ll comfort you, that he will guide you, that he will protect you. So really it’s on us to learn these promises. And there’s 8,000 of them.

Where do we start? Well, glad you asked. We’ve got my friend Nate, can you grab the bookmarks there? And then Gavin, you want to help out? Just pass these out. If you can fog a mirror, I want you to have one of these bookmarks. I was laying in bed all week, still not feeling a hundred percent, but I decided I was going to make just a quick bookmark for you guys.

So please grab one. All it says is that God has a promise for every problem. And then it lists about 28 of ’em, just 28 of the 8,000 promises God made. And here’s how you use this. You’re going through a circumstance, going through something that’s difficult or whatever it may be, and you look through this list, you find a promise that applies and then it takes you to a section of scripture. You go to that section of scripture, read it. There you go. There’s the promise, but you’re not done yet. And by the way, this is a bookmark. So you can put it in your Bible when you get home or put it in your Bible that you brought whatever you’re not done yet though. Now pray that promise. Now be like Jacob, be like Hudson and remind God of what he promised you. Remind yourself.

Hide that word in your heart and claim these promises. Lay hold of these promises or we just saying earlier, plead these. So for instance, let’s say you’re going through a situation at work really, really hard and you need some strength, you look up on the bookmark there, I will strengthen you.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.                Isaiah 41:10

And you go to the verse and it takes you to this verse from Isaiah 41, verse 10. Don’t be afraid because I’m with you. Don’t be anxious because I’m your God. “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Oh, that’s nice. Isn’t that sweet? Okay, now pray it. Pray the promise. Lay hold of it, remind God of it. So here’s how it would sound. Okay, ready?

God, I’m really struggling. I’m afraid at work. I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I’m buckling under the pressure and I’m anxious. But you said in your word that I should not be afraid because you are with me and I should not be anxious because you are God. So I’m asking you, God, to fulfill your words to me. Strengthen me. Help me. Lift me up with your righteous and mighty hand in Jesus’ name. Amen. Do you see what you just did? You sound like Jacob recalling this promise of God. But do you see how much more nuanced and detailed and expressive this is compared to help me?

You’re describing to God what it is you want him to do. You’re being specific. We’ve talked about that before, but you’re also laying hold of this promise. And now look. Now look, you are looking ahead with expectancy of what God is going to do. You’re looking ahead and you’re waiting for an answer, and you’re waiting for God to deliver and be faithful to his promise. You’re growing in your relationship with your heavenly Father. Or let’s say you are struggling with addiction or some kind of temptation that kicks your butt and you just cannot win against this thing.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13

Well, pray the promise. Look, you, look up on there. When I am tempted, I will be with you. Okay? And you look up where that is, and it takes you to this verse from one Corinthians 10 13. And so you could pray, God, I am struggling with this temptation. I’m struggling with this addiction. Every time I try to beat it, it beats me. I need your help. And your word, you say that you’re faithful. You say God, that you will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear, but that when I am tempted, you’ll provide a way out so I can endure it. So God, open a door and free me that I may walk through and leave this thing you’ve promised in your word to resist the devil, to flee him, and he will flee from you. And so God, please fulfill your word to me in Jesus’ name, amen. Do hear how much more developed and thoughtful this prayer is versus please help and please rescue.

And this is what I want for you. And whatever circumstance you’re going through, and honestly, there’s 8,000 of them. You’ve got 28 in your hand right now. And I can’t do this for you. I can’t. I can pray for you, but I can’t pray the promise that you need. I don’t know what you’re going through specifically. I don’t know all the details, but you do. And my hope for you, my prayer for you is that you know the same joy Jacob did and the same joy Hudson did. And you will be able to say, all I have is problems. All I have is pain.

All I have is a few pennies and all the promises of God and owe the joy have when I remind him of his promises.

Lemme pray for you, heavenly Father. We confess that we’ve not. I mean, what a treasure all of these promises are so many, just an incredible abundance of goodness and promises to us that we’ve just kind of treated with disdain and we’ve not laid hold of them the way we ought to forgive us Lord. And as you have promised, renew us and lead us that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways. I pray for everyone who can hear the sound of my voice right now, but in particular those who are going through a very real problem. And I pray, Lord, that you would help them and lead them to lay hold of the promise you have spoken about their very situation that you would be real in their stance, and that they would grow in prayer and grow in relationship with you because they dared to lay hold of your promises. And we pray now the prayer your Son taught us to pray, that has its own promises, as we say together, our father, who arts in heaven, hollow it be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.