Join us for an Open House to learn more!
SAT | FEB 24 | 9AM-11AM
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister, fill out the form below.
Stephen Ministry provides high-quality, one-to-one Christ-centered care to people from St. Mark and people from the community who are experiencing life difficulties.
Stephen Ministers are people from St. Mark who are trained to provide Christ-centered care over an extended period of time as an extension of the care provided by our pastors and church staff. Stephen Ministers ensure that people receive the care they need, it lightens the load on the pastors and church staff, and it gets lay people involved in meaningful ministry that uses their spiritual gifts and enables them to grow spiritually.
SAT | FEB 24 | 9AM-11AM
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister, fill out the form below.