Honor the Legacy

One year ago, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the construction of our sanctuary and the faithful service of those who made it possible. Because of their sacrifice, countless lives have experienced Jesus here at St. Mark.

But it’s time for us to carry on the legacy of generosity of those who went before us by securing the future of St. Mark with our capital campaign called The Next 50 Years!


There are two goals for The Next 50 Years. First, to update our campus to reflect our dynamic and relevant ministry. Second, to make room to grow.

Click on the images below to see a larger preview of project renderings.

Interior rendering
Blueprint - Lobby with description


Blueprint - Balcony with description


Blueprint - MPR with description



To accomplish these projects for The Next 50 Years, we’re asking the people of St. Mark to prayerfully make a three-year pledge above and beyond their current tithes and offerings to help us reach one of our three goals.

These are God-sized goals, but we believe our God is the God of the impossible!




The Next 50 Years - Girl reading Bible


You can turn in your pledge for The Next 50 Years at the Early Commitment Dinner  on September 26th or on Commitment Sunday on October 8th. Click on the events below to learn more.

If you are unable to attend either event and would like a Commitment Card, please email us at: [email protected]


Pray With Us

29 different leaders from St. Mark have written a 29–Day Prayer devotional to help St. Mark pray for The Next 50 Years. Click the button below to download your copy today!



For the first time in my life, I’ve experienced Jesus. A skeptic my whole life, when I first attended St. Mark and heard the mission to, “lay down our lives so as many as possible experience Jesus,” I thought it sounded nice but didn’t know just how much of an impact it’d have on my life. I love watching the church grow and pray for the chance to continue experiencing Jesus through St. Mark.

– Lindsey Johnson

I am overjoyed with anticipation for God to reveal his plan for St. Mark in The Next 50 Years! I love that God’s Word is spoken here. That friendly, caring people are everywhere you turn. That we have pastors with great passion and knowledge. My faith journey with St. Mark has been life-changing, and I want the same to be true for everyone yet to come.

– Rob Howes

I’m excited for The Next 50 Years because my heart goes out to the faith of the next generation. How can I help them live godly lives when society’s sinfulness is so prevalent? I want St. Mark to continue to be a place that can teach and nurture faith to the next generation for years to come. What greater legacy could I leave?

– Deb Hunkins


  • What is the purpose of the campaign?

    There are two purposes for The Next 50 Years campaign—first, to update our campus to reflect our dynamic and relevant ministry. Second, to make room to accommodate for new growth.

  • How will building help us reach our community for Christ?

    Whether it’s the new Lobby and Café that shows our community and guests we are a dynamic and relevant ministry. Or the updated Multipurpose Room that gives our kids and youth a safe and fun place to grow in their faith. Or the new balcony seating that allows us to continue to grow. Or the renovated bathroom and offices that show our guests we care about them and our house of worship. Every project of The Next 50 Years will help us advance our mission to “lay down our lives so as many as possible experience Jesus.”

  • How will we pay for this?

    To pay for The Next 50 Years we are asking the people of St. Mark to make three–year pledges above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings. We will then combine pledges with other available funds and present a plan on how to proceed with the use of these funds at a special Voters Assembly.

  • When will construction begin?

    We will include any decisions about a construction timeline in the same special Voters’ Assembly where we vote on the use of capital campaign funds.

  • How can I help?

    You’re already doing the first step! Familiarize yourself with the concepts of The Next 50 Years. Keep learning and ask questions.

    The second step is to pray. Pray for the success of the campaign and, specifically, ask God what it is he wants you to give to this effort.

    Third, make your three–year pledge to The Next 50 Years campaign on Sunday, October 6th at our Commitment Sunday!