To volunteer for the 2024-2025 Youth Ministry season, please click below!

Something for Everyone
From weekly evening programming to big events, we’ve got something for your teen! Scroll down to learn more.

During the school year, 5th-12th grade students get together at St. Mark on the first and third Sundays for our Youth Nights:
- Middle School students meet from 5:00 – 6:15 PM
- High School students meet from 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Bring your friends for a fun night with group games, inspiring teaching, age-specific group discussion, and worship with our Youth Band.

Have an infant-4th grader?

Open to 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students. Confirmation is our program specially designed to help your child grow in their faith and affirm their baptismal vows.
Confirmation students go deeper in their faith through independent study as well as group meetings with pastoral and youth staff for overview teaching and reflective discussion. Resources include video teaching, Bible and catechism study, journaling, and activities to help students take ownership of their faith.
Click the button to learn more, or to get your child registered!
Register Your Child for Confirmation
Get In Touch
If you have a child that would like to participate in our youth ministry, contact us today!